Agile Sprint Planning

The Agile project management revolution has affected planning more than anything else.  Whereas project managers used to create a complex plan of the entire project and then hope to stick with the plan, today project management consists of iterations, or sprints, which adjust themselves to new project realities at each....

Guide to Agile Certification

The universe of Agile project management certifications is truly mind blowing.  There are at least 27 different designations, with different letters after your name, from three major certifying bodies. In contrast, doctors, lawyers, and engineers only have one certification body in any location, and you can perform your education and practical....

How to Run a Useful Sprint Review Meeting

Sprint Review meetings represent the finish line of the sprint. It's a great feeling to finish a project iteration.  In a sprint review meeting, finished product is presented to the product owner and the stage is set for the next iteration. In agile project management, a sprint review meeting is....

How to Hold a Useful Sprint Retrospective Meeting

One of the elements of Agile project management that makes it truly high performance is the Sprint Retrospective meeting.  It takes place at the end of a sprint (project iteration) and its goal is to improve the processes being used by the project. Sprint Retrospectives are the secret that makes....